
Impressum, Offenlegung gemäß §25 Mediengesetz


Bünkerstrasse 47, 9800 Spittal an der Drau, Österreich

  +43 (0)4762 - 37 2 43

Vertrieb Wien

Mariahilferstrasse 123/3, 1060 Wien, Österreich

  +43(0)664 417 86 33


- Textile printing and machine embroidery and textile trade


- Margot Inselsbacher-Berger


- PromotionMax e.U.


- PromotionMax

Trade Mark

- Unionsmarke 017678657


- 345032a


-Regional court Klagenfurt, Austria


- Einzelunternehmen

Sales tax identification number

- ATU65258017

Authority because of ECG:

District Administration Spittal / Drau, Austria

Applicable legislation:


Weitere Aufsichtsbehörde

- Gewerbebehörde Spittal an der Drau


- Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten


- Raiffeisen Bank Lurnfeld-Mölltal eGen




- AT293941200100011114

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zum Kontaktformular

We respect the confidentiality of your data and undertake to use your data securely and only in accordance with our legal responsibility in application of data protection law. We differentiate between sensitive data (such as your e-mail address or telephone number) and less sensitive data (such as the machine programs or setup sheets) which are usually only linked by an internal name. We use your data only for the performance of our activities and our own advertising purposes (e.g. newsletter) and only pass them on to third parties if necessary (e.g. parcel service providers). Please read our detailed data protection declaration or please contact us:

zum Kontaktformular

All content of the website and its parts were created and monitored with the greatest possible care and come from sources that are believed to be reliable. However, PromotionMax does not provide any warranty or guarantee, express or tacit, for the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website and no claims can be derived from it. PromotionMax is not liable to anyone for any form of loss or damage that may arise from the use of or reliance on information made available on the website. Please contact us to review information:

zum Kontaktformular

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